Mayor's Poetry and Writing Competition
The Mayor's Poetry and Writing competition featured some outstanding entries and we would like to thank all those who participated in the program.
The inaugural winners of the completion with links to their winning entries are detailed below.
Youth – Isabella Taylor (Stirling)
Don’t feel sorry for us(PDF, 45KB)
'Don't Feel Sorry for Us' is a poem that speaks to our complicated age and the young people who will have no choice but to negotiate its many challenges. Instead of allowing for self-pity, this young writer sets contemporary ills against the larger narrative of history and implores her contemporaries to rise to the challenge.
Flash Fiction – Georgie Waters (Camden Park)
A place I call home(PDF, 25KB)
The story 'A Place I Call Home' manages to do a lot in a short space. There are effectively two 'plot' lines in play, so as we come to the end of the story, the entire story is revealed to be something else. Waters builds tension well and at the same time the story is intimate and ultimately quite moving.
Poetry – Purli Los (Aldinga Beach)
Desktop Dream(PDF, 111KB)
Desktop Dream" evokes a tender melancholy that gently transports us to a quiet space within our minds, offering a sense of stillness amidst the chaos of daily life. With remarkable subtlety, the poet achieves this with just a few carefully chosen words, weaving a profound atmosphere effortlessly.