Alternative water network

We operate a recycled water network that provides an environmentally friendly water alternative for the irrigation of open spaces. Our network supplies both treated stormwater and recycled wastewater.

It was originally constructed with Federal and State funding support in response to the millennium drought via the Water Proofing the South project.

On average approximately 200 ML of recycled water per year is supplied to parks, sportsgrounds and schools via a 53 km pipe network. We operate under a Minor Retailer Water Industry Licence which is issued by the Essential Services Commission of South Australia (ESCOSA).

How does it work?

In winter stormwater is captured and treated via wetlands and then stored for distribution in summer. Storage occurs underground in an aquifer at the Hart Road wetland at Aldinga Beach and in a surface storage dam at Wilfred Taylor Reserve, Morphett Vale.  

At Willunga wastewater from our CWMS network is treated at the wastewater treatment plant and stored in dams until it is required for irrigation.

What are the benefits

  • reducing reliance on the River Murray water
  • decreasing stormwater pollution of Gulf St Vincent
  • habitat and amenity at our wetlands
  • providing external customers with recycled water at a competitive price.