Alter a public road The road extends from property boundary to property boundary and includes the carriageway, footpaths and verges. This permit excludes underground electrical installation.
Boat ramp launch permit The boat ramp at O’Sullivan Beach is now open following an upgrade by the Department for Infrastructure and Transport. Permits are not required until PayStay signage is installed on-site.
Burning permits and fire management Use our interactive map to confirm the requirements in place for the area in which you plan to undertake vegetation pile burning.
Cars on beach permit Looking for vehicle access to our beaches? You can visit one of our customer service offices and Libraries to get a permit from December.
Commercial outdoor fitness permit For those wanting to conduct commercial fitness programs on council reserves and foreshores.
Council facilities (building/land) - request to use If you want to use council space or land suitable for your event or program, please submit a request for use of council facilities.
Drinking water provider notification Safe drinking water is essential for maintaining public health and supporting healthy communities. To register your business as a drinking water provider, you must complete this notification form.