Tracking your application and notified developments
All development applications can be tracked through the PlanSA Development Application Portal (DAP or the Portal).
All required fees must be paid for to begin assessment of a lodged application.
Failure to pay the fees will not expedite the assessment process nor grant instant approval. Reminders will be directly sent to applicants to pay outstanding fees after a prolonged period of inactivity.
If no correspondence is received in a timely matter, the application will be withdrawn on behalf of the applicant.
What are notified developments?
Through the assessment of a lodged application, there is specific criteria that it may fulfil and therefore require mandatory public notification as part of the development application process.
An additional 30 business days is added to the assessment timeframe and is non-negotiable as per the Planning and Design Code (the Code). This allows neighbours and interested parties to have a say before a decision is made.
The following reasons will not be accepted as reasonable merits to be considered if you are planning to lodge a submission to a notified development:
- Domestic noises (e.g. talking, residential parties, music)
- General dislike for applicant, builder or/and developer
- Past or current neighbourhood grievances and disputes
- Perceived impacts on rights of way and easements
- Perceived impacts on property value
Frequently asked questions
What types of development trigger public notification?
The following types of development applications are subject to public notification:
- Selected land uses that are not envisioned within a Zone
- Built form located on boundary of allotment
- Building height exceeds maximum standard
- Partial or complete demolition of a Local and/or State Heritage Place
Some instances may prescribe a class of development as excluded per Table 5 (Procedural Matters) of a relevant Zone.
Is there a fee for public notifications?
Public notification incurs additional fees separate to standard development application fees. As per the Code, this is mandatory and non-negotiable.
Public notification fee: $280.00
Sign installation fee: $294.90*
*Signage must be placed on subject land during the public notification period. Applicants can choose to do it themselves or pay the Relevant Authority to do this on their behalf.
Will I be notified of nearby development?
The City of Onkaparinga will send out letters to registered owners and occupiers regarding the publicly notified development if they are located within 60 meters.
If you wish to review and/or make a submission to a development proposal, you can do so via the QR code on the land signage or the PlanSA currently notified developments.
I didn’t receive my letter, who do I contact if I have concerns?
The City of Onkaparinga employs the use of property data when posting letters to the relevant sites. If applicable, letters will be distributed to the owner and registered occupier. If no data can be found for a relevant site, a generic letter will be addressed to the address.
Can I remain anonymous if I lodge a submission?
No, your name and address is required for a formal submission to a notified development application.