City of Onkaparinga art collection

The City of Onkaparinga Arts Collection came into being in when the City of Noarlunga, the City of Happy Valley and the District Council of Willunga merged to become the City of Onkaparinga in 1997.

Art and culture are an important part of everyday life and provide a platform for communities to interact, participate and come together. Participation in the arts and cultural events is an essential part of our communities identity, wellbeing, learning and belonging. Many works in the art collection are a direct result of this participation from programs and events that have occurred over time.

The City of Onkaparinga’s Art Collection is a vibrant expression of many artists who have lived, and are living and creating within our region and beyond, and allows our communities to experience and connect with our history and culture.

The Art Collection and Management Policy and Procedure may be found here.


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Copyright Statement

The City of Onkaparinga seeks to maximise public access to its collection.

Where known, all works of art displayed on the site are accurately described and attributed with the creator’s name and where possible, approved by the copyright owner or their agents. If there is any inaccuracy, please contact us directly.

Unless permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), (e.g. for the purposes of research and study) images and text on this website may not be reproduced, downloaded, copied, published, used on other websites or emailed without permission.