Automated External Defibrillators map Automated External Defibrillators (AED) provide first aid treatment for life-threatening instances of cardiac arrest. View the interactive map to locate AEDs available to the public, at council facilities.
Biodiversity restoration Working together to conserve and restore ecosystems and biodiversity within the City of Onkaparinga Region.
Dry areas There are a number of areas across our region where alcohol restrictions apply (dry areas).
Nature play Our region has many natural spaces accessible to everyone with lots of fun ways that families can get outdoors and connect with nature.
New and significant upgrades This map shows new and significant upgrade activities for the next five financial years.
Open Space Network The Open Space SMP sets out the type and location of recreation open space and the links between them.
Road Network Plan The Road Network Plan (RNP) is the City of Onkaparinga’s leading road management document which outlines our road hierarchy and functional road networks.
Solar panel coverage 55.3% of houses in Onkaparinga have solar panels installed. See how your suburb compares.
Sport and Active Recreation Facilities Our region has a large and diverse number of sport and active recreation facilities. This map highlights the type and location of these facilities.
Trails and cycling network Our city has many diverse trails catering for land, air and water activities.
My area Find out what's in your local area including parks and playgrounds, events, services and bin collection dates.
Urban heat and tree mapping The Urban Heat and Tree Mapping Viewer is an interactive mapping tool that looks at urban heat, tree canopy, green spaces and the built environment across the Adelaide metropolitan area. It has been created in partnership between Green Adelaide and the Department for Environment and Water.