Documents and publications

18 Result(s) Found

Advocacy Plan 2025-26 Iteration 2(PDF, 476KB)

Arts and Cultural Development Action Plan 2022-25(PDF, 3MB)

Plain English summary(PDF, 753KB)

Coastal Adaptation Plan(PDF, 18MB)

Climate Change Response Plan 2022-2027(PDF, 2MB)

Plan on a page(PDF, 742KB)

Plain English summary(PDF, 372KB)

Community Capacity Strategic Plan 2021-24(PDF, 1003KB)

Plain English summary(PDF, 521KB)

Inclusive Communities Action Plan 2021-2024(PDF, 4MB)

Easy Read version(PDF, 7MB)

Libraries Strategic Plan(PDF, 3MB)

Plain English summary(PDF, 456KB)

Onkaparinga Local Area Plan(PDF, 20MB)

Plain English summary(PDF, 469KB)

Onkaparinga Local Area Plan - plan on a page(PDF, 280KB)

Sellicks Beach Structure Plan(PDF, 6MB)

Open Space Strategic Management Plan(PDF, 8MB)

View the Open Space Network map

Reconciliation Action Plan 2022-2024(PDF, 2MB) (reflect)

Plain English summary(PDF, 211KB)

Resilient South Regional Climate Action Plan (Partnership)(PDF, 28MB)

Road Network Plan(PDF, 6MB)

View the Road Network Plan map

Sport and Active Recreation Action Plan 2021-2025(PDF, 3MB)

Plain English summary(PDF, 434KB)

Trails and Cycling Strategic Plan(PDF, 2MB)

View the trails map(PDF, 3MB)

Plain English summary(PDF, 231KB)

Tourism Strategic Plan 2019-2023(PDF, 36MB)

Plain English summary(PDF, 591KB)

Waste and Recycling Strategic Plan(PDF, 4MB)

Plain English summary(PDF, 211KB)

Role statements

We use the following role statements to guide its decision making and to ensure it stays focused on its areas of responsibility, uses resources efficiently and effectively engages in partnerships with others where necessary. 

Service provider


Council is required by legislation to provide a specific service (e.g. development policy and assessment).


Council is responsible and provides full or majority of the resources for a service (e.g. recreation, sports, arts facilities).


Council contributes minority/part resourcing to a service for which others have responsibility (e.g. major events such as Tour Down Under).


Council provides a service on behalf of others (often with funding) that involves ‘hosting’ or other in-kind use of Council resources (e.g. home and community care programs).

Owner custodian

Council own or manages infrastructure, facilities, reserves and natural areas. This is a supporting role to ‘Service Provider’ and will appear together with one of these provider roles, and has particular public liability responsibilities.


Council will make representations on behalf of the community and seek support from others who are able to apply influence to an issue, or funding/investment/resources to a service, project or area. 

Initiator / Facilitator

Council will bring together or connect stakeholders to pursue an issue, opportunity or shared interest or service and determine appropriate action. 

Information provider / Promoter

Council will provide information or promote opportunities related to community services, events, people and places.

Policy principles

These policy principles underpin all of the decisions made by Council. They guide our strategic planning and action, the design of processes, facilities and services, and the management of our assets.

Putting people first

We place people first through the promotion of leadership, imagination, initiative, learning, trust, participation and service. We focus on the needs and aspirations of people and then shape services, processes, products, places, infrastructure, and facilities, to suit. We build personal safety and promote choices for healthy, active living.

Enabling equity

We value equity, recognising that there are inequalities across our region and in our communities (whether due to history, socioeconomic factors, location, age or culture). We work to address these inequalities so that our communities have equitable access to opportunities and services. We protect the options and aspirations of future generations.

Promoting strengths

We recognise and respect our strengths - protecting and celebrating our natural, cultural, and economic strengths and heritage, and building upon these in developing the region. We aim to increase the integration between social, environmental and economic activities. 

Seeking to understand

We make informed decisions that rely on input from genuine community and stakeholder engagement and the best available knowledge, applied to the Onkaparinga context.

Being resourceful

We are resourceful and live within our limits and means, focusing on possibilities, solutions, adaptations and initiatives that catalyse and add value. We learn from mistakes and use land, energy, resources, infrastructure and facilities efficiently. 

Encouraging investment

We invest in our region – maximising potential for local business, employment and market-based competition. We recognise the strengths of the private, government and non-government sectors working together for community benefit. We pursue sustainable growth, including the ongoing renewal of older areas.

Working strategically towards our vision

We are strategic and apply a systematic approach that sees the bigger picture, understands immediate and longer term implications, anticipates opportunity, manages uncertainty and determines policy to guide activity. Our dealings are transparent and we are accountable for our performance. 

Councils in South Australia are able to establish by-laws under the Local Government Act 1999. By-laws are local laws established by councils to deal with issues specific to the areas under the care and control of council. 

The City of Onkaparinga recently renewed its by-laws which will now be in place until 1 January 2031 (excluding By-Law 7 Dogs which expires on 30 June 2030), as below:

By-law 1 Permits and penalties

A by-law to create a permit system for Council’s by-laws, to fix maximum and continuing penalties for offences, and for the construction of Council by-laws.

By-law 1 - Permits and penalties(PDF, 811KB)

By-law 2 Moveable signs

This by-law sets standards for moveable signs on roads and provides conditions for the placement of such signs.

By-law 2 - Moveable signs(PDF, 2MB)

Council has determined that businesses may display A/T frame or feather style signs without requiring a permit if in accordance with the guidelines below:

Guidelines for the placement of moveable signs(PDF, 301KB)

All other sign types require a permit – please contact our Compliance Team on 8384 0666 for more information on moveable signs.

By-law 3 Roads

This by-law regulates activities on roads in the Council’s area.

By-law 3 - Roads(PDF, 2MB)

Activities requiring a permit include:

  • amplification
  • animals
  • camping
  • donations
  • obstructions
  • preaching
  • public exhibitions
  • vehicles

By-law 4 Local Government land

This By-law regulates access to and use of Local Government land (other than roads and foreshore areas), and certain public places.

By-law 4 - Local Government land(PDF, 4MB)

Council has made a number of determinations in relation to local government land summarised as follows:


Camping is no longer permitted at Clarendon Oval.


Horses are permitted on the reserves listed as part of the City of Onkaparinga’s horse trail network. 

Horse Trails


Clause 10.9.4 has been exempted from applying at all times to a vulner­­able person (such exemption granted under exemption 14.3).

By-law 6 Foreshore

This by-law regulates access to and use of Local Government Land comprising the foreshore and nearby areas.

By-law 6 - Foreshore(PDF, 3MB)

Council has made a number of determinations in relation to the foreshore areas as follows:


Boats may be launched from a number of foreshore areas at parts of Sellicks Beach, Aldinga Beach, Moana, Port Noarlunga, and the Christies Beach and O’Sullivan’s Beach boat ramps.

See also: Watercraft launch areas


Horses are permitted on certain beaches at certain times (times change with daylight savings). 

View more information on each of the beaches available for horse riding.


Vehicle access is permitted on certain beaches at certain times.

Cars on beach permit


Clause 9.5.4 has been exempted from applying at all times to a vulnerable person (such exemption granted underexemption13.2).

By-law 7 Dogs

This by-law allows for the management and control of dogs in the council area and limits the number of dogs kept on premises.

By-law 7 - Dogs(PDF, 11MB)

Council has made a number of determinations in relation to dogs, including on and off leash areas and set limits on the number of dogs allowed for each property without a permit.

Additional information

Pets and animals



More Information

For more information on the application of the above by-laws, please contact our Community Rangers team on 8384 0666 or via

Please note that council no longer requires a by-law for the management of bird scarers (previously No.5), with control of such devices now managed by state government legislation.

Legislated council charters

Council are required by legislation to prepare a charter for a subsidiary of council or a regional subsidiary of council by the constituent councils. 

Southern Region Waste Resource Authority (SRWRA)

SRWRA is a joint initiative of the Cities of Onkaparinga, Marion and Holdfast Bay (Constituent Councils). Established as a Regional Authority in 1998 and is in accordance with the Local Government Act, 1999 (SA). It is responsible for providing and operating waste management services on behalf of the constituent councils.

Southern Region Waste Resource Authority (SRWRA) Regional Subsidiary Charter(PDF, 91KB)



Section 44 of the Local Government Act 1999 allows Council to delegate many of its powers and functions (within certain stated conditions and exemptions) to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), who may then sub-delegate those powers and functions to other responsible staff.  Council may also delegate their powers and functions to a Committee of Council. 

As an officer who holds delegations, they may choose not to exercise that delegation and bring a matter direct to Council for direction. Furthermore, delegations can be revoked at any time by Council.

To meet council’s operational requirements a Delegations Register has been established as a record of these powers and functions that have been delegated from Council to the CEO and further sub-delegated to relevant officers.

Additional conditions LG Act and Real Property Act

Authorisations under the Road Traffic Act 1961 to council officers

Burial and Cremation Act 2013

Burial and Cremation Regulations 2014

Community Titles Act 1996

Cost of Living Concessions Act 1986

Crown Land Management Act 2009

Development Act 1993 and Development Regulations 2008

Disability Inclusion Act 2018

Disability Inclusion Regulations 2019

Dog and Cat Management Act 1995

Dog and Cat Management Regulations 2017

Electricity (Principles of Vegetation Clearance) Regulations 2021

Electricity Act 1996

Environment Protection (Air Quality) Policy 2016

Environment Protection (Noise) Policy 2007

Environment Protection (Used Packaging Materials) Policy 2012

Environment Protection (Waste to Resources) Policy 2010

Environment Protection Act 1993

Environment Protection Regulations 2009

Environment, Resources and Development Court Act 1993

Expiation of Offences Act 1996

Fines Enforcement and Debt Recovery Act 2017

Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005

Fire and Emergency Services Regulations 2021

Food Act 2001

Food Regulations 2017

Freedom of Information Act 1991

Freedom of Information (Fees and Charges) Regulations 2018

Gas Act 1997

Graffiti Control Act 2001

Harbours and Navigations Act 1993

Heavy Vehicle (Mass, Dimension and Loading) National Regulation

Heavy Vehicle National Law (schedule to the Heavy Vehicle National Law (South Australia) Act 2013)

Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 2012

Instrument A - Instrument of Delegation under the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016, Regulations, Planning & Design Code and Practice Directions of Powers of a Council as a Council; a Designated Authority; a Designated Entity

Instrument B – Instrument of Delegation under the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016, Regulations, Planning and Design Code and Practice Directions of Powers of a Council as a Relevant Authority

Instrument C – Instrument of Delegation under the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016, Regulations, Planning and Design Code and Practice Directions of Powers of an Assessment Panel

Instrument D – Instrument of Delegation under the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016, Regulations, Planning and Design Code and Practice Directions of Powers of an Assessment Manager

Instrument of authorisation for the purposes of the Instrument of General Approval and Delegation (dated 22 August 2013) under the Road Traffic Act 1961

Instrument of Delegation under Council By-law

Instrument of sub-delegation for the purposes of the Instrument of General Approval and Delegation (dated 22 August 2013) under the Road Traffic Act 1961

Joint Criminal Rules 2022

Labour Hire Licensing Act 2017

Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) Act 1994

Landscape South Australia (General) Regulations 2020

Landscape South Australia (Waste Management) Regulations 2020

Landscape South Australia Act 2019

Liquor Licensing Act 1997

Local Government (Building Upgrade Agreement) Regulations 2017

Local Government (Elections) Act 1999

Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 2011

Local Government (Forestry Reserves) Act 1944

Local Government (General) Regulations 2013

Local Government (Member Allowances and Benefits) Regulations 2007

Local Government (Procedures at Meetings) Regulations 2013

Local Government Act 1999

Local Nuisance and Litter Control Act 2016

Local Nuisance and Litter Control Regulations 2017

Mining Act 1971

Mining Regulations 2020

Native Vegetation Act 1991

Ombudsman Act 1972

Private Parking Areas Act 1986

Real Property Act 1886

Residential Parks Act 2007

Road Traffic (Miscellaneous) Regulations 2014

Road Traffic (Road Rules-Ancillary and Miscellaneous Provision) Regulations 2014

Road Traffic Act 1961

Roads (Opening and Closing) Act 1991

Safe Drinking Water Act 2011

Safe Drinking Water Regulations 2012

South Australia Public Health (General) Regulations 2013

South Australia Public Health (Legionella) Regulations 2013

South Australia Public Health (Wastewater) Regulations 2013

South Australia Public Health Act 2011

State Records Act 1997

Strata Titles Act 1988

Supported Residential Facilities Act 1992

Supported Residential Facilities Regulations 2009

Water Industry Act 2012

Water Industry Regulations 2012

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