Referral authorities

In some cases, development applications must be referred to prescribed authorities to better inform and sometimes direct the assessment or outcome of the application.

This instruction comes from both the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act and the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Regulations.

Referral agencies within South Australia

Commissioner of Highways

The Commissioner of Highways assess applications that create new or amend vehicle access onto major arterial roads, on sites that are subject to future road widening plans or involve advertising signs near intersections or traffic lights.

They are responsible for ensuring that proposals will not cause unsafe or significant impacts to major road networks and traffic flows.

Environment Protection Authority (EPA)

The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) will assess whether an application meets their standards for the following:

  • Air quality
  • Noise
  • Radiation
  • Site contamination
  • Waste and wastewater
  • Water quality

Native Vegetation Council (NVC)

The Native Vegetation Council (NVC) will assess applications that will result in a major clearance of native vegetation, where the proposed development is located within a Native Vegetation Overlay.

South Australian Country Fire Service (CFS)

The Country Fire Service (CFS) assess applications located within a bushfire protection area. They assess the safety and provide advice for the proposed development.

Coast Protection Board

The Coast Protection Board assess applications to ensure that the proposal will not impact the coast as a result of:

  • Erosion
  • Damage
  • Deterioration
  • Pollution
  • Misuse

State Heritage Branch

The State Heritage Branch assess applications on behalf of the Minister responsible for advertising the Heritage Places Act 1993. All proposed development for, or near a state heritage listed building, or place will be referred to the State Heritage Branch for direction.


Interested to know more?

Make sure to browse our FAQ page with a section dedicated to referrals, or PlanSA’s comprehensive fact sheet on referral agencies and preliminary agreements.