Car Parking Fund

The Car Parking Fund enables council and applicants to have flexibility in the assessment of developments that have a shortfall in car parking provision under the Planning and Design Code.

Designated areas and purpose

The Car Parking Fund applies to land in six ‘designated areas’ at Aldinga, Christies Beach, McLaren Vale, Moana, Port Noarlunga and Willunga, generally defined by zone boundaries.

Any payments received can only be spent by council for the designated areas to provide funds for (or towards):

  • New car parking facilities
  • The maintenance, operation or improvement of existing car parking facilities
  • The establishment, maintenance or improvement of transport facilities to reduce the need or demand for car parking facilities.

Designated area maps

Refer to the following maps for designated car parking fund areas.


Aldinga designated area map

Christies Beach

Christies Beach designated area map

McLaren Vale

McLaren Vale designated area map


Moana designated area map

Port Noarlunga

Port Noarlunga designated area map


Willunga designated area map

Alternatively, download all the Carparking Fund – Designated Areas(PDF, 1MB)  maps as a PDF document.


The City of Onkaparinga Car Parking Fund was first established 9 November 2006, in accordance with Section 50a of the Development Act 1993 (now repealed).

The 2006 contribution amounts were based on an average car park construction cost of $2,500 per space plus a higher amount based on average land values in each designated area. The total amounts ranged between $7,000 - $14,000 and while several development applications were approved with conditions requiring fund contributions, these approvals were not implemented and therefore no contributions to the fund were received at those rates.


Car parking fund - contribution amounts

Contribution rate  Type of development


Per car park for developments limited to a:

  • Change of use
  • Outdoor dining
  • And/or expansion of existing use


Per car park for new developments or significant expansions


The Car Parking Fund has undergone extensive review with decisions made through several council meetings.

Members of the public are welcome to attend council and council committee meetings. See agendas and minutes of all council meetings here.


19 January 2016: council resolved to temporarily lower the contribution rate to $500 per space until 31 December 2016. This was to enable time to form a long-term strategy to address car parking issues in the designated areas.

13 December 2016: council extended the $500 rate until 30 June 2017, to allow additional time to engage with the business community, undertake a study of all the scheme areas, and to consider the inclusion of the Aldinga township due to recent development.


13 June 2017: GTA consultants prepared and presented a report based on a, ‘long term strategy to address parking in car park contribution scheme areas’ to council. Based on the report, council resolved to continue the fund in the five existing areas (with some of the area boundaries adjusted), establish Aldinga as a new area, and change the contribution rates for each area to:

  • $500 per car park for developments limited to a change of use, outdoor dining, and/or expansion of existing use; and
  • $2,000 per car park for new developments or significant expansions.

The lower contribution rates are intended by council to support and incentivise businesses and economic development.

27 June 2017: the changes to the five existing areas were notified in the SA Government Gazette.

22 August 2017: the establishment of the new area at Aldinga was approved by the Minister for Planning on 10 June 2017 and was then gazetted.


19 March 2021: the Planning and Design Code (the Code) became operational and replaced all council Development Plans to become a single source of state planning policy for assessing development applications.

The Code introduced new overlays, zones, sub-zones and general development policies that together provide all the rules that apply to a particular parcel of land.

The new planning system is underpinned by the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 (the Act), which replaced the Development Act 1993.

Pursuant to Schedule 8 – Transitional provisions, Part of the Act:

33 – Funds

(1) a carparking fund in existence under section 50A of the repealed Act immediately before the designated day will continue as a fund under section 197 of this Act.


How is the fund used?

The Car Parking Fund can only be used for development applications within the six designated areas, by agreement between council and development applicants. If a proposed development has insufficient car parks provided when assessed against the relevant provisions of the Code, the council and applicant can agree on the monetary contribution to the fund in lieu of providing car parking on site.


Written agreement

The exact shortfall needs to be assessed and acknowledged, and a written agreement made for the applicant to pay into the fund based on either the $500 or $2,000 option as relevant.

The agreed payment can be required as a condition of Planning Consent, normally to be paid prior to the granting of Development Approval, unless supported by an alternative arrangement such as a bank guarantee.

Retained by council

Any contributions received are retained by council in a separate account for each fund area established by our finance staff and can only be spent to improve car parking facilities or reduce car parking demand in the relevant area.

Examples of use

Examples of using the Car Parking Fund include:

  • constructing new public car parks in suitable locations;
  • maintaining, operating or improving existing public car parks;
  • improving existing private car parks and making them available for public use;
  • improving signage and pedestrian facilities to encourage use of car parking areas in and near activity centres;
  • improving bicycle parking and other facilities; and
  • providing temporary car parking areas and/or alternative transport services (such as shuttle buses) for events with peaking demands.