Community Vision 2034

Community Vision 2034 cover image

Connected community, sustainable future

Thank you to everyone who contributed their insights to help shape our new community plan, Community Vision 2034.

Shaped by the insights of over 5329 residents, this Vision reflects a desire for our city to protect and enhance what’s unique about this beautiful place, fostering a connected and healthy community that can continue to enjoy what it offers. Developed with broad and deep community input, the vision outlines four themes – Community, Environment, Liveability and Leadership, eight key result areas, and 32 goals to guide collective action over the next decade.

Council is committed to playing its part in bringing this vision to life. It guides us and our collective action – including government, community, businesses, not-for-profits and others – so the whole of our effort is greater than the sum of the parts.

The Community Vision 2034 has:

  • A vision for the future across four themes – Community, Environment, Liveability, and Leadership – as well as a beautiful vision picture(PDF, 1MB), a video describing the vision statements, and a tagline: connected community, sustainable future.
  • Key result areas for achieving results that contribute to realising the Vision.
  • Goals for driving change at community wide level, providing direction for the action needed to achieve it.
  • Community wellbeing indicators to monitor how the city is tracking. What needs to shift to indicate movement towards the vision.

Download the Community Vision(PDF, 5MB)

Download the Plan on a Page(PDF, 1MB)

Read the text-only version

Community Vision - Plain English(PDF, 456KB)

Community Vision - Easy-read(PDF, 1MB)

Community Vision wellbeing indicators

The following indicators are aligned to our Community Vision themes. They tell us how the city is tracking and what needs to shift to indicate movement towards achieving our vision of 'connected community, sustainable future'.

Community(PDF, 35KB)

Environment(PDF, 38KB)

Liveability(PDF, 34KB)

Leadership(PDF, 27KB)

Putting the plan to work

Putting the plan to work flowchart

Council partners with state and federal governments to develop and deliver services and programs for our community. Council’s Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP), Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP) and Community Vision comprise our suite of Strategic Management Plans as required under Section 122 of the Local Government Act 1999. These plans forecast how Council will sustainably resource our roles in realising the Community Vision.

To ensure our resources are focused on community goals, we align our strategic plans with the goals of the Community Vision. Engagement with Onkaparinga communities, along with our key stakeholders is an essential part of developing these plans and strategies. Strategies, legislated plans and resourcing plans inform the four-year Delivery Plan. Council’s Annual Business Plan reflects the Delivery Plan and sets out the activities for the year. The themes of the Community Vision are integrated across our strategic documents. View the strategic documents here.

For more information about this or other strategic plans, please contact our Strategy team on 8384 0666 or email


Click image below to enlarge
Journey taken to develop our Community Vision - Read the full description in the link below.

Read the full journey description here.