Vaccine submission & assessment
We provide a fee for service record submission and review for vaccines to be uploaded to the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR).
If you have immunisation records for vaccines given overseas, or in Australia (given after 1996), we can upload these to the Australian Immunisation Register on your behalf. We will conduct an assessment against the Australian Childhood Immunisation Schedule to advise of any missed vaccinations. A service fee of $30 per child/person is charged to submit records to AIR, assess for missed vaccinations and develop a catch-up plan (where required).
On completion, we will provide you with a copy of your/your child’s AIR record and a proposed catch-up plan to get you/your child up to date with immunisations (if required).
Medicare card holders can access any missed childhood vaccinations for free.
Non-Medicare card holders will be required to pay privately for missed childhood vaccinations – see Fee for service vaccination orders.
Complete the Overseas Vaccine Record Submission form below to provide you or your families information for submission to AIR and assessment of immunisation status.
Please allow 2 weeks for your information to be uploaded to AIR, assessed and your AIR records returned to you via email. The immunisation team will be in contact with you through the process to keep you updated.
Click here to view form.