Built heritage
Our heritage, shaped by nature and history, is an inheritance passed from one generation to the next. It helps us to tell stories and understand where and how previous populations lived.
This website focuses on the built heritage within the City of Onkaparinga and comprises heritage places of state and local significance. There are six historic areas within the council which contain a concentration of historic buildings in landscape settings that represent the early settlement of the area and the establishment of early ways of life.
There are a total of 487 heritage places, comprising 85 State Heritage listed places, 372 Local Heritage listed places and 30 Representative Buildings within the council area and are identified in the state’s Planning and Design Code.
The City of Onkaparinga is committed to the conservation of our built heritage and recognises the requirement of a broad approach to heritage conservation, incorporating both statutory protection and voluntary incentive measures. The City of Onkaparinga has and is continuing to develop a range of initiatives to assist in the protection of our built heritage.
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