Due to the delay in rates notices being delivered, we've extended the due date for the first quarter payments until 1 October 2024.
All Development applications must be lodged on the state PlanSA Portal.
The system is fully electronic, providing online development assessment and processing via a modern ePlanning platform.
Clear and consistent planning policies relevant to your property are easily accessible and will help shape your community, both now and into the future.
South Australia’s statewide planning system will help you to:
To find out more visit www.plan.sa.gov.au
PlanSA Fact Sheets
To access Plans SA's Fact Sheets please use the attached link and filter by type.
The Minister for Planning is proposing to rezone land at Sellicks Beach to enable a new master planned development catering for up to 1700 new homes including a local centre, and a network of open space.
Development approvals, lodge or check your application.
Some lodged development applications need public notification as part of their assessment process.Public notification lets neighbours and other interested parties have a say about a development before a decision is made.
Information and fact sheets regarding significant development in Onkaparinga.
Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous material, which has been mined in Australia & overseas from several types of mineral rock. Asbestos has the potential to cause lung disease if inhaled.
The Car Parking Fund enables council and applicants to have flexibility in the assessment of developments that have a shortfall in car parking provision under the Planning and Design Code.
Information related to fences including approval requirements, pool fencing and disputes.
The newly launched Adelaide Garden Guide for New Homes, provides small garden designs and planting ideas to help make it easy to implement the Planning and Design Code’s mandatory tree and landscaping requirements for new homes and renovations in metropolitan Adelaide.
Built heritage within the City of Onkaparinga comprises heritage places of national, state and local significance. Please visit council's built heritage pages for more information on listed properties, history of European settlement and initiatives to protect our built heritage.
Information relating to development approval requirements, public swimming pools and private pools (including portable spas).
In the City of Onkaparinga, the state government’s native vegetation legislation applies, and can take precedence to regulated and significant trees.
An information guide to retaining walls
If you are buying, building or renovating, find out what features and materials are best to save you money and create a liveable and comfortable home.
The Technical Services Standard Details have been provided to assist in the preparation of documentation for Civil Engineering works within the City of Onkaparinga.
New houses built in South Australia are now required to install a rainwater tank of at least 1000 litres. The tank must be plumbed into the toilet, to a water heater or to all cold water outlets in the laundry, and the inlet and overflow must be fitted with mosquito proof screens.
Information and updates on South Australia’s online planning system.