Are you building, renovating or adding to your existing property or just have a plumbing problem?
In the metropolitan area, most – but not all – residential and commercial properties are connected to SA Water sewer. If your property is not in the metropolitan area, there is a good chance that you don't have access to SA Water sewer.
Wastewater can be managed in three ways through:
If your property cannot be connected to SA Water sewer, you must apply to council for approval before you do any wastewater works.
We approve two types of wastewater systems: Community Wastewater Management Scheme (CWMS) and onsite wastewater systems .
If your application relates to a larger scale commercial development (e.g. restaurant, winery, caravan park etc.), you may need additional trade wastewater considerations. Please contact us to discuss further with an environmental health officer.
Check which wastewater system you're on
Is your property connected to CWMS?
To check if you are, your annual council rate notice will show whether you are connected to a CWMS.
Yes, I have access to CWMS (wastewater system with off-site disposal of effluent) - apply to council for approval to undertake wasterwater works (application form link). Click on the link for more information and frequently asked questions about our Community Wastewater Management Schemes.
No, I don't have access to CWMS. You must use a wastewater system with on-site disposal of effluent. See below.
Aerated Wastewater Treatment Systems (AWTSs)
Aerated Wastewater Treatment Systems (AWTSs) are connected to a power source which drives aeration and clarification of the wastewater to produce advance-treated effluent.
The quality of the effluent that comes out of your AWTS is a very important design feature of your onsite wastewater system – whether the effluent is disposed above or below ground.
To protect public health and the environment, we need to know that the AWTS is always functioning optimally, and this is why AWTSs must be serviced every quarter by an appropriately qualified person who must also send a copy of the service report to the council.
You may engage any one of the many AWTS service agents working across South Australia to service your AWTS.
Find information about best practice in AWTS service reporting.
For more information regarding CWMS or unsewered properties, please contact Customer Relations on 8384 0666.