Local history

Milliari guest house, Port Noarlunga


Our Local History collection is a compilation of resources reflecting the history of our region.

Most of the items are printed, published and paper-based material, however there is also an oral history collection and original manuscripts.

This collection is available from Aldinga, Hub and Noarlunga libraries.

Digital assets are available in our library catalogue.

Help sheet - accessing historical photographs online(PDF, 2MB)

You also have access to a selection of online resources with your Onkaparinga Library card:

For more assistance, please contact the staff at your local library.

Photographic quotation form(PDF, 248KB)

Aboriginal and Kaurna bibliography

Bibliography of Aboriginal and Kaurna titles(PDF, 173KB) held in our collection. (you can view the availability of these titles in our online catalogue)


High on the Hill cover    From Almanda to United States    Our World War I Heroes


High on the Hill - the people of St Philip & St James Church, Old Noarlunga

High on the Hill coverGenealogies and biographies for the inhabitants of the St Philip and St James churchyard born before 1900.

Download High on the Hill(PDF, 4MB)




From Almanda to United States - lost localities in the City of Onkaparinga

From Almanda to United States

For South Australia’s History Festival in May 2017 the City of Onkaparinga Libraries have released a book detailing the lost places of our City. Villages and settlements which have fallen off the map, or never quite made it there, are featured.

Download From Almanda to United States(PDF, 2MB)





Our World War I Heroes: City of Onkaparinga 1914 - 1918

Our World War I HeroesTo commemorate the Centenary of World War I, the City of Onkaparinga Libraries produced a book in remembrance of the men and women who served from our City. Details of 668 individuals are recorded to recognise the contribution of our local people to the war effort, and the sacrifice of those who did not return.

Download Our World War I Heroes: City of Onkaparinga 1914 - 1918(PDF, 5MB)



My Home in Onkaparinga

My Home in Onkaparinga Susan Marsden and Mayor Lorraine Rosenberg

‘A house is a machine for living’ wrote the architect Le Corbusier many years ago, and his words are quoted by David Cookson in this book when describing the family shack built at Moana which is his own ‘home in Onkaparinga’. All of these stories are variations on the theme of machines for living, but Le Corbusier would have been astounded and perhaps delighted by these distinctively Australian manifestations. The tellers of these stories of home are also characteristically local and distinctively Onkaparinga.

‘My home in Onkaparinga’ was conceived during 2010 when City of Onkaparinga staff sought a way to celebrate the region’s history during South Australia’s 175th anniversary in 2011. Ideas were shared at meetings with local history representatives, and there was agreement that the project should focus on ordinary people and their stories, and that in doing so a good deal of related history would be highlighted. And so it has.

Through this celebration of our homes we celebrate the individuals, families and communities who have made our city the thriving, innovative, inclusive place it is today

Download My Home in Onkaparinga(PDF, 3MB)

Family history help Family History Help graphic

Do you need research help or assistance with a local or family history enquiry? Book a one on one appointment with a Local History Library Officer. Whether you're a beginner or further along in your journey, our Local History staff and volunteers can assist you. 

Contact your library to book an appointment during the available times:

  • Aldinga Library: Wednesday 10am-12pm 
    8384 0022

  • Hub Library: Tuesday 10am-12pm 
    8384 0100

  • Noarlunga Library: Tuesday 2-4pm 
    8384 0655


History groupsHistory Snippets graphic

History Snippets

An informal talk about Local History and some delicious afternoon tea.

Noarlunga Library

  • Second Thursday of the month 2pm. For session information, please contact Noarlunga library.

Stories from the Stacks

From forgotten gems to untold tales, each monthly talk uncovers hidden gems from the extensive collections of the State Library of South Australia. We share stories that span themes, eras, and perspectives and that have shaped who we are as a community.

See our Eventbrite listing for details of upcoming screenings.

Cultural history Lot 50-Kanyanyapilla, McLaren Vale (L50K)

L50K is a bi-cultural, ecological and cultural regeneration project near McLaren Vale on an ancient Kaurna Meyunna habitation site (or campground), known as Kanyanyapilla, under the care of Gavin Malone, artist and geographer, and Karl Telfer, Burka, Mullawirra meyu.