Fines and expiations

Expiation notices may be issued for offences under many pieces of legislation administered by local government and offences created by council by-laws.

Notices may be served in person or be sent in the mail.  For vehicle related offences the notice may also be placed on the vehicle.

Fines can be paid online or at any of our council offices.

Pay online

What if I do nothing?

Step 1.Expiation notice issued

You have 28 days to pay the total amount due to avoid further fees.

Step 2.Reminder notice issued

A reminder notice fee and motor vehicle search fee (if applicable) will be added, approximately $81. A further 21 days is provided to pay the total amount due.

Step 3.Enforcement notice

If you don't pay, enforcement action will be taken. Your fine will be referred to the Fines Enforcement and Recovery Unit.

An enforcement fee and Victims of Crime Levy will be added, approximately $478.

Step 4.Enforcement action starts

Suspension of your driver's licence. Inability to register a vehicle or renew your licence.

Step 5.Further enforcement action

Money taken from bank account or wage.

Placing a charge on land (real estate).

Additional fee, approximately $215.

Step 6.Escalation action

Your matter referred to a debt collector. 

Clamping and impounding your vehicle.

Seizing and selling your assets.

Publishing your name online.

More fees added.


*please note these fees are subject to change.

Payment arrangement

Enter into a payment arrangement

This is an arrangement with the Fines Enforcement and Recovery Unit to pay the fine in instalments. 

Phone 1800 659 538 or visit

Apply for review

Step 1.Ensure you are eligible for a review

You can request a review if

  • you think the alleged offence is trifling
  • you did not commit the offence
  • the expiation notice is defective
  • you did not receive the notice

For offences involving vehicles, if you were not the driver or did not own the vehicle at the time of the offence, complete a nomination form.

Parking Offence nomination form(PDF, 146KB)

Step 2.Getting everything ready

To request a review you will need

  • the expiation notice number
  • your driver's licence number
  • the date of the offence
  • reasons for the request and supporting evidence 
  • your vehicle registration number (for offences involving vehicles)

Step 3.Apply for a review of your expiation notice

Which type of expiation notice do you want reviewed? Select the relevant option below

Motor vehicle

The Expiation Notice will be put on hold and no further fees will apply. We will notify you of the outcome of your application.


Elect to be prosecuted

Dispute the allegation that you committed the offence and elect to be prosecuted for the offence.  If you elect to be prosecuted, you may get a summons.  The summons will set out when and where to attend court. If you elect to be prosecuted, please refer to your Expiation Notice and complete and return the Election to be Prosecuted request on your Expiation Notice.