Aberfoyle Community Centre

Aberfoyle Community Centre

We are part of the local community.

Our aim is to meet the needs of our residents by promoting well-being and involvement.

We offer a wide range of group activities including arts and craft, general interest and adult education.

We have a variety of spaces to hire for meetings and events of up to 120 people.We also feature a large outdoor pergola area.

A modern and spacious centre boasting professional kitchen facilities and off street parking, we could be the perfect choice for your next function.

Click on the SpacetoCo icon below to make a booking. 

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Let’s Eat Takeaway Meals

Let us help you enjoy nutritious, affordable meals without the time, stress, and mess! Available to collect from the Aberfoyle Community Centre.

A variety of meals available, including vegetarian options.

Meals are cooked fresh on a Monday and are available for collection fresh on Monday afternoon or from 9am–4pm Monday – Friday.

Frozen meals from previous cooks may also be available, enquire at the centre.

Follow the Aberfoyle Community Centre on Facebook to see what nutritious meals will be available the coming week or call or visit the centre for more information.

Cost: $7 per meal
Payment options include cash, credit card and EFTPOS.

We also have a Pay it Forward program for our Let’s Eat Meals! If you would like to help friends or family with some meals but not sure what they enjoy, simply purchase some vouchers from the centre to give to them.

Recycling Station

The Aberfoyle Community Centre is a drop off point for a variety of items that you can recycle. Our Community Recycling Station accepts, light globes, batteries, printer cartridges, oral hygiene products, writing instruments, mobile phones and bread tags.

recycling station.jpg

Book exchange

The Aberfoyle Community Centre Book Exchange is where you can find a book to read without having to go to the library or purchase it! You can access the community book exchange anytime if you are looking for something new to read or if want to drop off books you no longer need.

Grow Free Cart

Do you have excess home grown or homemade produce? Bring it along to the Centre to go on our new Grow Free Cart for others in the community to enjoy! The Grow Free cart is a perpetual sharing cart for home produce (vegetables, fruit, herbs, eggs etc), preserves and the like. The cart has been beautifully crafted by a volunteer of the Centre and can be found in the foyer.

Gather and Give

We need your help to support those who are doing it tough in our community.

Gather and Give is an Aberfoyle Community Centre volunteer-led initiative that seeks donations from the local community for local organisations. Donations will be gathered, sorted, packaged, and personally delivered. 

We are currently seeking donations for the following organisations:

Centacare - Coolock House
Supported accommodation for young mothers and their children

-New toys for children 1 - 3 years
-New or near new board books for children
-New or near new cot sheets and blankets

The Southern Adelaide Family Enrichment Centre
S.A.F.E Centre Emergency Relief

-New or near new tracksuit pants (sizes L or XL)

St Vincent de Paul - Fred’s Van
Meal service for those sleeping rough

-Small personal hygiene items (ie shampoo)

Please bring any items into the Centre during opening hours and drop in the Gather and Give bin in the foyer. 



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1 Jessica Street, Aberfoyle Park 5159  View Map

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