Dwelling 'Coorabin' and inground water tank
The dwelling was apparently constructed in two stages. The first stage comprised two rooms over a basement, making good structural use of substantial red gum beams and posts.
The pickling tanks reported to have still been in the cellar in 1988, have since been removed, however, a well in the cellar still exists.
The external walling is constructed of square dressed sandstone, with large stone quoins to the external corners and red brick quoins around doors and windows.
The earliest section is distinguished by twelve-paned double-hung sash windows with arched window heads, hardwood sills and a steeply pitched roofclad in corrugated galvanised iron. There is a domed brick inground water tank at the rear and a large lean-tohas also been built at the rear of the house. The property is now surrounded by new residential subdivisions. Existing outbuildings on the site are of little interest.
The form and construction of the original dwelling would suggest that it was built circa 1850's. The builder is unknown.
In May 1841 Richard Gibbons was granted Section 796 of Survey B, being the land on which Coorabin is now situated. In 1844 Allen's Almanack mentioned an R Gibbons in the vicinity of Upper Sturt and Cherry Gardens with 37 acres of wheat, 12 acres barley, 1 acre oats, 4 cattle and 30 pigs. In the 1865 Directory an R Gibbons of Gibbons Hill is mentioned as "dairyman". It is likely that these entries refer to the R Gibbons on Section 796, in which case the building is an important survivor from the early settlement of the area. "Gibbons Hill" was named in commemoration of Richard Gibbons.
Photos courtesy of: Bruce Harry and Associates (2007).