Australia Day Breakfasts Expressions of Interest

Published on 30 July 2024


City of Onkaparinga Australia Day Breakfast Event

Expressions of Interest  

The City of Onkaparinga holds four Australia Day Breakfasts events annually across the City.  The breakfasts have traditionally been delivered by community groups at each location under an agreement with Council.

Council is now calling for Expressions of Interest for the next four years (2025-2028) from community groups to deliver a City of Onkaparinga Australia Day Breakfast event.

If your community group is interested in undertaking the delivery of one or more of the City of Onkaparinga’s Australia Day Breakfasts, please download an Expression of Interest document, which includes further information.

Australia Day Breakfast Expressions of Interest(PDF, 181KB)

Council encourages community groups to achieve financial benefit for their organisation from the delivery of these events.

For further information please contact Sheryn McElligott via email or by phoning 8301 7213.

Closing Date:  Friday 6 September 2024