Media statement - Kerbside Collection Compliance Service Review
Published on 12 September 2019
Opportunities to improve the City of Onkaparinga’s kerbside bin collection service and reduce costs in waste collection and disposal are the focus of a review to be undertaken following approval by Council on 17 September 2019.
The Kerbside Collection Compliance Service Review — endorsed by council’s Audit, Risk, Value and Efficiency Committee on Monday night — will review compliance in relation to all streams of kerbside collection services (three bin system).
The Kerbside Collection Compliance Service Review will:
- assess the current service design including bin types, weight and overflow requirements and the contamination process/handling
- analyse the current issues relating to unauthorised bins, ongoing contamination by residents despite repeated stickering and warnings, and overflowing or heavy bins
- investigate technological improvements such as GPS tracking to track bin collections, resolve customer requests regarding lost or stolen bins, identify unauthorised additional bins, and help with planning collection schedules.
The review is in response to ongoing analysis of the kerbside collection service which found a significant number of unauthorised domestic waste bins were placed out for collection; increases in contamination by people putting the wrong items in bins; and issues with bin presentation such as incorrect bin placement, heavy bins and overflowing bins.
City of Onkaparinga Mayor Erin Thompson said the review will identify opportunities for improved customer experience, operational savings and efficiencies, and environmental benefits.
“Councils are facing significant financial pressures as a result of China Sword and recycling issues in Australia and it’s important we all continually look at ways to reduce waste and contamination,” says Mayor Thompson.
“We now have a full complement of waste services with our green waste collection commencing fortnightly in January, so the timing of the Kerbside Collection Compliance Service Review is ideal.
“The review will look at various models and methods on how we best manage compliance, contamination levels and unauthorised bins.
“It also aims to identify improved environmental benefits like reducing contamination, minimising the amount of litter blowing onto our streets and into waterways from over-filled bins, and the customer experience by resolving customer requests like missed bins more efficiently.”
Council’s Waste and Recycling Education team will continue to actively work with residents to increase knowledge and understanding of contamination.
The team delivers programs to the community which focus on the importance of recycling, waste minimisation practices and landfill operations. They also provided feedback on recycling and bin use to residents through the Bin Inspection Education Program.
The Kerbside Collection Compliance Service Review is expected to be completed by the end of March next year when recommendations will go back to elected members for consideration. The information will contribute to council’s Waste and Recycling Strategic Plan in mid-2020.
The review will not include assessing collection frequency or the kerbside collection model.
More information about the scope of the review is available in the 9 September 2019 Audit, Risk, Value and Efficiency Committee agenda.