Advance Care Directive Peer-led Workshop

What's important card

Do you have an Advance Care Directive?

An ACD empowers you to make clear legal arrangements for your future health care, end of life, preferred living arrangements, and other personal matters.

Be part of the project's free information sessions to gain the resources you need and be assisted to understand how to complete this important legal document. Please note these are small group workshops so numbers are limited and bookings are essential.

All resources are provided free along with light refreshments.

*Please note these workshops will not have a Justice of the Peace in attendance and completed ACD's cannot be brought to the workshops for witnessing.

If you have a query about an ACD form you have already filled in, please contact the Project Officer for further guidance or to book for witnessing sessions in the future.

ACD DIY kits, which include one hard copy ACD form, are now available free from all libraries in the City of Onkaparinga upon request.

Older man carries a child on his back. Click on this image to play video.

Please click on the picture above to view this short video which provides a brief introduction to the Advance Care Directive (ACD) and some reasons to consider completing one.

Project report and resources

The Advance Care Directive Peer-led Workshop Project has developed, delivered and evaluated a peer-led and sustainable ACD model, that can be adapted and implemented in other local government areas. This model includes peer-led workshops that aim to increase community understanding and completion of Advance Care Directives, volunteer positions, online training and community conversation tools.

Read the full report here(PDF, 4MB)

Access the online digital resource pack here

Access the online peer training here

Download the training as a SCORM file here(ZIP, 32MB)

To access the presentations to use in your council area click on the links below

Community conversations planning ahead presentation(PPSX, 35MB)

Community Workshops presentation(PPSX, 46MB)

Justice of the Peace

An Advance Care Directive is not legally binding until it is signed and witnessed. This project is proud to support the role of a Justice of the Peace in witnessing an ACD and certifying copies by collaborating with the Royal Association of Justices of SA to make up to date training accessible to the Southern Councils.


Have you been appointed as a Substitute Decision-Maker in a loved one’s ACD?

Being a Substitute Decision-Maker (SDM) can be both rewarding and challenging. Making decisions on behalf of another person who is unable to voice their wishes places responsibility on your shoulders as they are placing their trust in you.

Find out more about your responsibilities and gain confidence in the role by attending this short community information presented by the Office for Public Advocate (OPA) session which includes:

  • Short presentation
  • Open question time
  • Free resources to take away

Thursday 30 November from 2-3pm. Aldinga Library
You can book 30 November session online here or call me to reserve a spot.

Thursday 16 November from 1-3pm Elizabeth House Positive Ageing Centre
You can book 16 November session online here or call me to reserve a spot.

For more information please contact Judith Lowe, Project Officer on 8384 0161 or email

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Opportunities to be more involved

Have you completed your own ACD? Do you enjoy talking to people about their lives, are you passionate about older people’s rights and want to join a new project?  

Then the role of  Advance Care Directive Volunteer may interest you. In this role you would  attend our community ACD workshops alongside Council Staff to share project resources, assist community members learn more about ACD and  increase their confidence to complete their own ACD.

This role is part of the ACD Peer-led Workshop Project, so there is dedicated support and training about ACD provided for you. There is also the opportunity to provide feedback contributing to the ongoing delivery and improvement of this innovative project.


The position will be based at various workshop locations within the City of Onkaparinga.

Key activities

  • Support staff to deliver and evaluate ACD workshops
  • Build rapport with workshop attendees and share project resources
  • Facilitate workshop activities in a confidential and supportive manner
  • Communicate any difficulties and issues to the appropriate Volunteer Coordinator
  • Support project feedback and evaluation

Essential skills, knowledge and personal qualities

  • Good communication and inter-personal skills
  • Ability to build rapport with community members
  • Non-judgemental approach supporting others to reflect on their values and wishes
  • Strong organisation and attention to detail
  • Ability to be reliable, flexible and adaptable

If you are interested in this volunteer role contact Judith Lowe, Active Ageing Project Officer
8384 0161 or email or consider attending a workshop to find out more.

More detail about Advance Care Directives

An Advance Care Directive (ACD) empowers you to make clear legal arrangements for your future health care, end of life, preferred living arrangements and other personal matters. It also allows individuals to appoint one or more Substitute Decision Makers to make these decisions on their behalf should they be unable to do so in the future.

However, many individuals do not have an up to date or fully completed ACD. This project aims to understand the current barriers and create a new peer-led option for older adults to be supported to complete an ACD. Forms are available online through


This project is being run across the Southern Councils of Onkaparinga, Marion, Mitcham and Holdfast Bay and is supported by Office for Ageing Well and Health Services Programs, SA Health.

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