Aldinga Payinthi School

Aldinga Planning Context aerial diagram.jpg

The Aldinga Payinthi B-12 College will accommodate up to 1675 students, including 100 special school students and a 75 place children’s centre. Its opening is targeted for the start of the 2022 School Year.

The project will be delivered via a Public Private Partnership (PPP) model which packages up all capital, design, construction and maintenance costs for a 30-year period.


The confirmed location of the14ha school site was publicly announced by the Minister for Education on 6 March 2019.

 It is located within the deferred urban land in the site bound by Quinliven Road/Port Road to the North, the Cardijn Galilee School to the west and Aldinga Sports Park to the east.

This location will ensure that the new school is highly accessible to both the existing community of Aldinga, as well as future residential development within land due south of the school site. 

Maximising Community Access

The school’s direct adjacency to Aldinga Sports Park provides a terrific opportunity to integrate planning between the two facilities to achieve a sports and community hub for Aldinga.

Council has successfully secured an agreement enabling community use of the schools sporting facilities including two soccer/hockey pitches, a senior and junior oval, hard courts, cricket nets and a two-court indoor gym. Council investment into the school has also provided competition grade sports lighting for the soccer/hockey pitches and senior oval.        


Quinliven Road, Aldinga 5173  View Map

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