BMX facilities

With 22 designated jump sites across the region, we’re committed to providing safe, sustainable, and fun spaces for all riders.

Why ride at designated jump sites?

We know building and riding BMX jumps is fun, but sticking to designated areas is important! Building jumps outside of approved spots can damage areas with high cultural value, harm the environment, and create safety hazards for others who visit. If jumps are built in unapproved spots and cause damage or danger, they’ll have to be removed.

What do you mean by high cultural value?

The places we all enjoy now have a long history that started well before the arrival of European people here. Many of these places still hold the same cultural importance today that they did back then. The council is careful when digging to avoid any damage to cultural heritage, including Aboriginal sites, objects and remains, which are protected by law. Natural bushland and areas around the coast and waterways can be very valuable to Aboriginal people for these and other reasons.

Why does the environment matter?

Our forests, woodlands, rivers, and coastlines are home to unique plants and animals you won’t find anywhere else. When people build BMX jumps in these natural spaces, it will harm or even destroy these special habitats. This could mean that future generations might never get to see these amazing places and the wildlife in them. That’s why there are laws to protect these areas. Let’s respect these spots so everyone can enjoy them now and in the future!

Get involved!

If you are a keen rider there are opportunities for you to get involved. Join us for dig days, become a site custodian, or share your ideas – email Community Connections Officer to get started.


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