Why invest in Onkaparinga?

Onkaparinga's economic profile

The City of Onkaparinga has access to the latest economic data from Economy.id which tells the story of our local economy and how it is changing, which we are pleased to share with our business community to help you make decisions about where to live, work and invest.

You can be confident about the quality of the information which is derived from official sources, includes the most robust economic modeling and is analysed and presented by experts.

Click on the button below to access local economic data including Gross Regional Product, local jobs, local businesses, employment, unemployment, population, building approvals, industry structure, journey to work and much more.


Download our brochure for more information on the lifestyle and business opportunities in the City of Onkaparinga:

Welcome to Onkaparinga(PDF, 8MB)

Is the economy and population in Onkaparinga growing?

YES, the economy is growing. Current business numbers are:

Business Type Number  Proportion 
 Non-employing (micro)  6,699 64.5% 
 1-19 employees (small) 3,500  33.7% 
 20-199 employees (medium) 184  1.7% 
 200+ employees (large) 0.1% 
 TOTAL  10,387 100% 

* ABS 2023 data showing local firms with active ABN's.

The City of Onkaparinga population estimate at December 2023 was 180,865, and is forecast to grow to 209,346 by 2041.

Will I be able to find workers with required skills and experience?

YES, Onkaparinga has a vibrant multiskilled workforce.

Are local supply chains complementary to my business?

YES, with strengths in agribusiness and food, health and medical devices, hospitality, manufacturing, tourism, wine & beverages.

Does Onkaparinga have enabling infrastructure like transport and telecommunications?

YES, with the Southern Expressway and recently duplicated Main South Road from Seaford to Sellicks Beach, Seaford Electrified Train and historically the first NBN rollout in SA.

Are vacant sites/premises available in suitably zoned areas?

YES, large industrial precincts and numerous commercial centres are available for choice.

Is there a pipeline of future projects and developments?

YES, significant state government, private sector and council projects are planned.

Are other businesses investing into Onkaparinga?

YES, demand for industrial and commercial sites is strong enabling a wonderful lifestyle location; the gateway between Adelaide and Fleurieu Peninsula.

Should I buy or lease commercial property in Onkaparinga?

YES, property prices and leases are among the most affordable in Adelaide.