Due to the delay in rates notices being delivered, we've extended the due date for the first quarter payments until 1 October 2024.
The Southern Business Mentoring Program is available to businesses operating within the City of Onkaparinga, City of Marion, City of Holdfast Bay and District Council of Yankalilla.
Eligible businesses are able to meet once with an independent consultant from each discipline below.
Sessions are currently being delivered online, via phone and face-to-face where appropriate. Once you have booked with the advisor of you choice online, they will be in touch to discuss a suitable option for your session. The program offers:
Expanded Service
This new initiative provides an additional three one-hour appointments with your chosen mentor/s for a subsidised price of $25 per appointment. Initial appointments with the existing Program are still FREE. This gives you the opportunity to develop, implement and review longer term goals with our team of specialists.
This Extension Service is an initiative of the Government of South Australia’s Office for Small and Family Business and the South Australian Small Business Strategy 2023 – 2030.
Book an appointment
Business Mentoring Program flyer(PDF, 305KB)