
Our city was once covered by many different types of native bushland including these special vegetation communities: 

  • Stringybark forests in the upper Mount Lofty Ranges
  • Grey Box woodlands in the foothills
  • River Red Gum forests along watercourses
  • Mallee Box grassy woodlands on the plains
  • Samphire swamps within sheltered tidal areas and estuaries.

Each of these native vegetation communities provided homes for many kinds of native animals, which were able to move freely across the landscape.

We manage and protect more than 250 hectares of these types of bushland vegetation communities with the help of trained staff, contractors and volunteers. 

Some of our bushland reserves are home to carnivorous plants such as this tiny sundew which can feed off very small insects.


Piggott Range Road Reserve is in the Onkaparinga Hills. The site is being cared for with the help of Bush For Life volunteers.


Not all bushland looks the same. This nationally endangered Grey Box grassy woodland at Christie Downs has scattered trees with a variety of native grasses and wildflowers such as these beautiful Purple Bells (Calostemma Purpureum).
