High Risk Manufactured Water Systems (HRMWS)

Information about registering your HRMWS

Pursuant to the South Australian Public Health (Legionella) Regulations 2013 ("The Regulations"), the owner of the premises (or business) of which high risk manufactured water systems (HRMWS) are installed, must register all HRMWS with the local council.

The registration form is designed for the mandatory registration of the following types of HRMWS which are located within the City of Onkaparinga:

The owner of the premises (or business) where the HRMWS is installed is required to:

  • Complete all sections of the registration form and all necessary supplements
  • Sign the registration form
  • Submit the form on-line to the Environmental Health section of the council

Please be advised that the HRMWS registration form must be completed in its entirety and payment received before the system can be officially registered in accordance with these Regulations.

Registration and renewal fees

Registration of HRMWS is required annually. The associated fees for registration and renewal are prescribed in Schedule 1 of the Regulations and are as follows:

HRMWS registration and renewal fee description Fee per year

New Registration

Initial registration of the 1st system on the premises


Initial registration of additional system installed on the premises


Existing Registration

Annual registration renewal fee per system



These fees do not include inspection and sampling fees which shall be invoiced to the premises owner after the system has been inspected by an authorised officer.

The inspection fees for 2024/2025 are the following:

  • Inspection of one system - $181
  • Inspection of additional system on the same site $121 

There are a number of mandatory requirements to the registration of HRMWS including the following:

  • The owner of the premises on which a high risk manufactured water system registered with us is installed, must within one (1) month after any change in the particulars registered in relation to the system, notify us of the change. Failure to do so is an offence and may attract a maximum penalty of $750 and/or an expiation fee of $80.
  • If a HRMWS registered with us is decommissioned, the owner of the premises on which the system is installed, must notify the authority of the decommissioning within one (1) month after the event. Failure to do so is an offence and may attract a maximum penalty of $750 and/or an expiation fee of $80.


Important definitions

Automatic biocide dosing device 

A device that automatically discharges a measured amount of biocide to a cooling water system using a feedback control loop or timer.


A substance capable of killing micro-organisms, including Legionella.

Cooling water system or CWS

A heat exchange system that consists of a heat generating plant, a heat-rejection plant, interconnecting water recirculating pipework and associated pumps, valves and controls and includes a cooling tower or evaporative condenser.

Drift eliminator

A device that is designed to remove water droplets from cooling tower air passing through the device.

High risk manufactured water system or HRMWS or System

A cooling water system or warm water system.


Bacteria of the genus Legionella.


In relation to premises, means a person who has, or is entitled to, possession or control of the premises and includes a person who is in charge of the premises.


In relation to premises, includes an occupier of the premises.

Prescribed decontamination procedure

  1. In relation to a cooling water system - the decontamination procedure set out in Schedule 3 Part 1 of the document published by the Minister entitled Guidelines for the Control of Legionella in Manufactured Water Systems in South Australia.
  2. In relation to a warm water system - the decontamination by means of the "pasteurisation method" or "chlorination method" set out in Schedule 3 Part 2 of that document.

Warm water

Water that is not more than 60°C and not less than 30°C.

Warm water system or WWS

A reticulated water system that distributes or recirculates warm water through the majority of its branches at a nominal temperature of 45°C  by means of a temperature controlling device.


Notification of Legionella Detection in a Water Sample

In accordance with regulation 17 of the South Australian Public Health (Legionella) Regulations 2013, system owners must notify the relevant authority within 24 hours of receiving a report indicating the presence of Legionella: at 10 cfu/mL or greater in a water sample from a warm water system, or at 1000 cfu/mL or greater in a water sample from a cooling water system (expiation fee $315 - maximum penalty $5000).

Instructions for downloading and completing the notification form

  1. Download the notification form and SAVE to your device
  2. Open the form and complete as required
  3. Once complete, click on the "Email to City of Onkaparinga" button at the end of the notification form
  4. Include any attachment(s) as required in your email prior to sending
  5. Click Send

Download the Notification form(PDF, 433KB)

Decommissioning or removal of HRMWS

South Australian Public Health (Legionella) Regulations 2013

This form is designed for the mandatory de-commissioning or removal of high risk manufactured water system(s) (HRMWS) under the South Australian Public Health (Legionella) Regulations 2013 and must be completed accurately and in its entirety.


Cooling Water System: a heat exchange system that consists of a heat-generating plant, interconnecting water recirculating pipe work and associated pumps, valves and controls and includes a cooling tower or evaporative condenser.

Warm Water System: A reticulated water system that distributes or recirculates warm water through the majority of its branches at a nominal temperature of 45°C by means of a temperature controlling device.

Important information relating to decommissioning or removal of high risk manufactured water systems

If a registered system is decommissioned or removed, the owner of the premises on which the system is installed, must notify the City of Onkaparinga of the decommissioning or removal within one (1) month after the event. Failure to do so is an offence and may attract a maximum penalty of $750 and/or an expiation fee of $80.

Please be aware that if the high risk manufactured water system(s) are recommissioned or new system(s) are installed, the owner of the premises is responsible for registering these changes with the City of Onkaparinga within one (1) month of these changes being implemented.

Where to find more information

Should you require assistance with de-registration or have any questions relating to South Australian Public Health  (Legionella) Regulations 2013, please contact our Environmental Health team on 8384 0666.

Returning your forms

Please complete and submit your form(s) online. Once submitted you will receive an acknowledgement email.

Complete and submit your form


New registrations

Step 1.Complete registration and supplementary forms

Complete the registration and supplementary forms as required and submit online. Failure to provide the correct information or fee will result in approval delays.

Complete a new registration

Step 2.Payment

An invoice will be emailed to you one we receive confirmation of your HRMWS renewal/registration. 

Step 3.Next steps

We will be in contact with you when required to arrange an audit of your HRMWS.

Renew or modify your registration

Step 1.Complete registration and supplementary forms

Complete the form below. Failure to provide the correct information will result in approval delays.

Renew or modify your existing registration

Step 2.Payment

An invoice will be emailed to you one we receive confirmation of your HRMWS renewal/registration. 

Step 3.Next steps

We will contact you if required.



For more information regarding High Risk Manufactured Water Systems (HRMWS), please contact Customer Relations on 8384 0666.