Automatic biocide dosing device
A device that automatically discharges a measured amount of biocide to a cooling water system using a feedback control loop or timer.
A substance capable of killing micro-organisms, including Legionella.
Cooling water system or CWS
A heat exchange system that consists of a heat generating plant, a heat-rejection plant, interconnecting water recirculating pipework and associated pumps, valves and controls and includes a cooling tower or evaporative condenser.
Drift eliminator
A device that is designed to remove water droplets from cooling tower air passing through the device.
High risk manufactured water system or HRMWS or System
A cooling water system or warm water system.
Bacteria of the genus Legionella.
In relation to premises, means a person who has, or is entitled to, possession or control of the premises and includes a person who is in charge of the premises.
In relation to premises, includes an occupier of the premises.
Prescribed decontamination procedure
- In relation to a cooling water system - the decontamination procedure set out in Schedule 3 Part 1 of the document published by the Minister entitled Guidelines for the Control of Legionella in Manufactured Water Systems in South Australia.
- In relation to a warm water system - the decontamination by means of the "pasteurisation method" or "chlorination method" set out in Schedule 3 Part 2 of that document.
Warm water
Water that is not more than 60°C and not less than 30°C.
Warm water system or WWS
A reticulated water system that distributes or recirculates warm water through the majority of its branches at a nominal temperature of 45°C by means of a temperature controlling device.