For any urgent issues or hazardous situations that could cause harm to people or property, please call our Customer Relations team immediately on 8384 0666 during work hours or 8384 0622 after hours.
The City of Onkaparinga is responsible for the care and maintenance of the local public stormwater drainage network.
Property owners are responsible for all drainage infrastructure related to the drainage of private property. This also includes sections of pipe in the road reserve that discharge stormwater to the kerb or pipe connections to a council drain.
Each property is allocated with a location to direct its stormwater drainage - typically this location will be to a council underground drain or to the kerb and water table in the adjacent roadway. This discharge location is known as the Legal Point of Discharge. All drainage issues beyond this point are the responsibility of the City of Onkaparinga.
All drainage infrastructure related to the drainage of private properties up to the Legal Point of Discharge is the responsibility of the property owner. This includes sections of pipe in the nature strip or road reserve that discharge stormwater to the kerb or pipe connections joining to a council drain.
The property owner is responsible for ensuring that stormwater pipes are connected to the council nominated Legal Point of Discharge and that their stormwater run off does not affect other property owners.
Submit a maintenance request