Sellicks Beach Code Amendment
Sellicks Beach Code Amendment
The Minister for Planning is proposing to rezone land at Sellicks Beach to enable a new master planned development catering for up to 1700 new homes including a local centre, and a network of open space.
The Department for Housing and Urban Development (DHUD) are leading the investigations to determine civil infrastructure requirements, and funding and delivery agreements required to support the land being rezoned.
In addition, investigations to inform the Code Amendment will look at the social, recreation, commercial and retail service needs to support the growing population.
Further information can be viewed on the Department for Housing and Urban Development’s Plan SA portal ( – and scrolling down to ‘Sellicks Beach Code Amendment’
Sellicks Hill Quarry Air quality assessment and monitoring
DHUD are aware and recognise the need to consider and address the interface, operational and dust matters in relation to the Sellicks Hill Quarry during the course of the Code Amendment process.
The relevant authority for mines in South Australia is the Department for Energy and Mining.
DHUD is working with Department for Energy and Mining to ensure that the tenement holder/operator is and can comply with the Mining Act 1971, the lease terms and conditions, and their Program Objectives and Criteria.
As part of the Code Amendment investigations, the Environment Protection Authority who monitors and regulates South Australia’s air quality, have requested air quality assessment and monitoring be undertaken over a six-month monitoring period commencing late 2024. DHUD have committed to undertake this.
For further information on the Sellicks Hill quarry mining operations, please see:
Department for Energy and Mining
For further information on Sellicks Hill quarry air quality monitoring and regulation, please see:
Environment Protection Authority
ADBRI Sellicks Quarry Community Consultation Group
ADBRI, the owner of the mine, has recently initiated a community consultation group aimed at facilitating discussions and addressing residents’ concerns regarding dust from the site.
Council at its meeting 16 July 2024 appointed Cr Paul Yeoman as the Elected Member Liaison to this Adbri Sellicks Quarry Community Consultation Group.