Noarlunga Aquatic and Recreation Centre Fees and Charges

Aquatic Centre



Concession or Child

10 Visit Adult

10 Visit Concession or Child

Casual Swim





Family swim (2+2 or 1+3)





 Casual Gym  $12.00  -
Swim, Spa & Sauna $13.50 $11.80  -







Full Centre



Unlimited access to any of our City of Onkaparinga managed Gyms, Aquatic Centre or Fitness Class

Adult POOL and class



Unlimited access to the Noarlunga Aquatic Centre Pool, Spa, Sauna and all water classes.

Adult GYM and class



Unlimited access to the Noarlunga Aquatic Centre Gym, Spa, Sauna and all dry Classes held in the City of Onkaparinga managed Recreation Centre’s (excludes pool access). 


Learn to Swim

Learn to swim

$21.00 per week

Access to one swimming lesson per week, plus access anytime for the student to come and practice their swimming


Fitness Classes



10 visit pass


Group fitness and Aqua


Access any of our City of Onkaparinga Group Fitness/Aqua Class

Over 50+ & Strength for Life



Access to any of our City of Onkaparinga 50+ or Strength for Life Class


Court Hire - Recreation Centre

Casual shooting

$6.70 per person, per hour

Single court hire

$37.00 per hour

Double court

$72.70 per hour

Squash court

$10.00 30 minute session
Squash equipment hire  $5.20  per booking



Full centre or event hire

If you are needing to hire the full Centre for an event, please contact us on 8488 2099 or email